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WHY Sykes Group?

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Our in-house engineers and tech experts will work with you to create bespoke solutions for your project.

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Our pumps are designed to handle the most challenging and demanding environments. Using our in-house engineering team, we can custom-design pump packages to match any specification.

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We design and manufacture pump packages that delivers optimal efficiency and minimal downtime. Even operating in harsh conditions, our products provide a safe and cost-effective solution.

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We provide a wide range of pumps to handle all types of water-based issues. Whether above or below ground, Sykes Group can offer a solution.

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If you need advice on a particular part, our parts and customer service technicians are always available to offer qualified, professional advice.

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As the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), we keep plenty of stock on hand and can provide quick access to the parts you need.

The Sykes Group will be conducting a scheduled ERP system upgrade on November 6 and 7, 2024. As a result, there may be delays in order confirmation and despatch. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Our email service may be experiencing some temporary disruption on July 18 and 19 due to an IT system changeover. If you receive a non-delivery receipt, please call your Sykes/Primax contact or try again later during the day. Thank you for your understanding